I knew sitting in close proximity to the contractor dungeon at work was going to encourage more drive-by activity. A drive by is when another co-worker sneaks up on you in your cube with the goal of getting you to do his work by disguising it in the form of a "question".
I hate these type of approaches. It makes me have to stop all 4 or 5 different things I'm working on at the moment and do only ONE thing, for someone else. It also tells me that you aren't articulate enough to express your question in writing.
So in the contractor dungeon, there was this one little guy that seemed to be pretty much high maintenance. He seemed to operate by drive-by's alone. It obviously isn't working for him, because I saw him drop and re-create the same databases a total of 4 times.
The questions he started sending us really made him look stupid. He managed to cut and paste the error message into an email, but obviously didn't even read the message because it told him how to fix the problem he was having.
Then later on in the same day, he started complaining about not being able to get the proper permissions to create databases....when he had already done it 4 times, remember. Turns out, he was fat-fingering the login. < head on desk >
So this guy gets so frustrated later in the day, that he sends my team an email asking us to just walk over to his cube, login with our administrative id, and create his databases for him. That was about all I could take of his high-maintenance ass.
I emailed him back, copying everyone he worked with and told him what he was asking me to do was unethical, and that beyond that, his constant bugging us was rude and disruptive and that he needed to do his own work.
And do you know what? I didn't even get in trouble.
So, the moral of the story is, when you get through college by paying people to do your homework for you, you look like a douche in the real world and you get bitched at.
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