Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Possible Victory?

The saga of the parking policies continues...

In my last post about the lousy parking policies of this company, I wrote about my failed attempts to actually take advantage of one of the 10 medical parking spaces that took up the now precious parking space commodities at the office.

About 30 days after my rant, HR followed up with me.  Being contacted that long after the fact angered me.  In the time it took HR to respond to my concern, I could have worked from home while my foot healed. It didn't help every day when I had to hobble back and forth a half mile to my car RIGHT PAST EMPTY MEDICAL PARKING.  So...I figured that while I had HR's attention, and while I had 6 weeks of paid time off banked up...I'd shoot off my mouth.  (Now, it's not normally a good idea to shoot your mouth off, in an email, to an HR representative.  BUT, when you are worked to death, in physical pain, and the victim of neglect...and, I say this again, 6 WEEKS of paid time off banked up...you might weigh your options.)

So I did something I usually say I never do....bitched at HR.  Perhaps it was the pain talking?  Perhaps it was the endless months of b.s. I put up with over 2 completely incompetent higher reports.  Perhaps it was the constant negative attitude I got from the Engineer who sat two desks down?  Sorry, that was just the straw that broke my toe, I guess you could say.  I told her that is was a waste and a shame for an injured non-pregnant person to hobble past all the wasted front-row parking spaces

Of course, I got no response...via email.  A week later, I walked in to the office to see this:

See the empty poles with no signs on them?  Yeah, I did that.

Monday, February 13, 2012

All your base are belong to us

Word Problem:

Sarah has 4 tasks to do. The jobs all have to be done on one day at the same time. Sara has 3 people to do the tasks.  Her manager will not give her any more money to hire another person to get the work done.  Billy has more money than Sarah.  How does Sarah get her tasks done?

A) Sarah works overtime and turns in all the tasks late.
B) Sarah refuses to do one of the tasks
C) Sarah yells at Billy and steals his money

Guess which one actually solved my problem in real life?

C - Yes my boss actually had the balls as a new girl to take someone's budget to get us a new guy.  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's gonna be a good year, Tater...

My year has started off splendidly with the following response from my manager when someone attempted to double-book the team for a WEEKEND:
Dear Project Coordinator,
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to assist your team in this rollout on 1/13.  We have already committed to manage another team's deployment on the weekend that would demand 40 hours of DBA support. All resources will be dedicated to the deployment.  Our weekend on-call resource will only focus on production issue resolution and not project support. Can we manage such rollout during the week?  We are pretty booked by various commitments on weekend support in January, 2012. Thanks,
Manager Lady
< cry tears of joy >;

Yes, it's Jan 5, 2012 and my queue is already full for the year.  More to come, I'm sure...